List of Tenders
- Memo no e-Tender No: MED/PD/EE/NIeT-01/2022-2023 Vide Memo. No. MED/PD/14/UHWC-2/RM/2022 Dated:- 13.04.2022 - Construction of "Under Health and Wellness Center" under Raghunathpur Municipality within Purulia Division
- Memo no WBMAD/e-tender/1 of EE(N24)-2022-23 Vide Memo No:-MED/PRG-1/ 53 /UH & WC-1/2022 Dated: 12/04/2022 - Construction of "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within North 24 Parganas Division(6 nos of work)
- Memo no WBMAD/NIeQ-01/EE(PD)/22-23 Vide Memo No - MED/PD/08/NULM-1/PM/2018 Dated:07.04.2022 - Procurement of Furniture and Utensils for Shelter for Urban Homeless under DAY-NULM within Purulia Municipality
- Memo no 01 /2022-23 Vide Memo. No. MED/ BIR/ 01 /1S-10/2021 Dated :- 04/04/2022 - Construction of proposed "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within Birbhum Division( 9 nos of work)
- Memo no 01 of EE/ME/MSD/2022-23 Vide Memo No. :- ME/MSD/05/1S-246/2022Dated, the 04th April, 2022 - Construction of "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within Murshidabad Division(4 nos of work)
- Memo no Corrigendum : Memo No. ME/2027/4S-52/98 Pt. VIII dt. 01.04.2022 - Corrigendum to NIQ NO. ME/2015/4S-52/98 Pt. VIII dt. 31.03.2022
- Memo no e-Tender No 01 of /2022-23 Vide Memo No. MED/HLY/ 01 /2W-38/2022 Dated. 01.04.2022. - Construction of "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within HOOGHLY DIVISION( 2 nos of work)
- Memo no e-Tender No. 02 of 2022-23. Vide Memo. No. MED/HLY/02 /2W-39/2022 Dated. 01.04.2022. - Construction of civil work, sanitary and plumbing work and electrical work of Urban Health and Wellness Center" under Tarakeswar Municipal area within HOOGHLY DIVISION
- Memo no Quotation Notice No. ME/2015/4S-52/98 Pt. VIII dt 31.03.2022 - Online Quotations for the Supply and delivery at site ISI Mark Socket and Spigot jointing system centrifugally cast DI (K9 & K7) Pipes from the bonafied manufacturers of Ductile Iron pipes, for the purpose of formulation of DPR for Water Supply projects within different Urban Local Bodies of West Bengal.
- Memo no ME/1929/1V-40/2016 - Hiring of vehicle for O/o Chief Engineer,MED
- Memo no NIT No. 2 of SE(E)/2021-22 (2nd call) - Construction of three storied Shelter for urban homeless under NULM within Baruipur Municipality
- Memo no ME/1796/4S-52/98 Pt.III Dt.28.01.2022 - Quotation of supply of Multijet Class B domestic/comecial water meter(15mm to 25mm dia)
- Memo no ME/1747/4S-52/98 Pt-VII - Quotation Notice for Multijet Class -B Domestic / Commercial Water Metering System (size 15mm to 25mm).
- Memo no 3/NULM/SE(CC)/2021-2022 - Construction of SUH building within Kandi Municiplaity under NULM
- Memo no 2 of SE (E)/2021-22. - Construction of SUH building within Baruipur Municiplaity under NULM
- Memo no 03 of 2021-2022 - Construction of SUH building within Bansberia Municiplaity under NULM
- Memo no ME/12/4S-52/98 Pt. VIII , dated 07.04.2022 - Corrigendum 2 for NIQ No. ME/2015/4S-52/98 Pt. VIII, dated 31.03.2022
- Memo no Notice Inviting e-Tender No.-01/2022-23 vide Memo No. ME/ COB/ 03/ UH&WC /2022 Dated: 01.04.2022 - construction of "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within Coochbehar Division (3nos of work)
- Memo no 01 of EE/MED/MLD/2022-2023 Vide Memo. No. MED/MLD/01/T-12/2000 Pt-II Dated:- 01.04.2022 - Construction of "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within Malda Division ( 5 nos of work )
- Memo no WBMAD/e-Tender/01 of EE/MED/JAL/22-23 Vide Memo No.MED/JPG/ 631/U-H&WC/2022 Date: 01/04/2022 - Construction of "Urban Health and Wellness Center" under different ULBs within Jalpaiguri Division ( 2nos of work)